“Republicans for Tester” Group Brimming with Fake Republicans

Last month, Senator Jon Tester’s campaign launched the group “Republicans for Tester”. On September 1, Tester’s campaign put out an advertisement featuring their Republican supporters. However, many of the featured “Republicans” have solely supported Democrats and their policies, while openly criticizing Republicans.

In the ad, Justin Schaaf and his wife Kayleigh claim to be “lifelong Republicans” who plan on voting for Jon Tester. According to an analysis of FEC data, Schaaf has only ever donated to Democrats. In 2019 and 2020, he donated $42.50 to Steve Bullock. Steve Bullock, a Democrat and former governor, ran for president in that cycle before dropping out to try unseating Sen. Steve Daines, but was defeated by Daines by a margin of 10 points. Schaaf has voiced support for Democrats, and only Democrats, online. He has quote-tweeted and reposted Steve Bullock, as well as former Lt. Gov. Mike Cooney. Schaaf has posted on social media in support of Tracy Stone-Manning to be the Director of the Bureau of Land Management. All U.S. Senate Republicans voted no on Stone-Manning’s appointment, citing acts of eco-terrorism she made in the past. Schaaf has consistently criticized Republicans, and only Republicans, on his X account. He has referred to Senator Daines as an “old, white GOPer” and an “elitist”, and accused him of “bootlicking” for wishing a happy birthday to former President Trump. Schaaf has also called Governor Gianforte an “East Coast Elite”.

Bob Beckley also appears in the ad. According to FEC data, Beckley has made $871 worth of political contributions since 2018, all of which went to Democrats. He has supported Jon Tester, Steve Bullock, Monica Tranel, and Amy Klobuchar. Monica Tranel is a Democrat running for Montana’s 1st Congressional District, and Amy Klobuchar is a Democrat serving as a Senator of Minnesota.

State Senator Terry Vermeire is featured in the ad as well. According to the Montana Free Press, Vermeire votes with Democrats 72% of the time, while the average for Republican State Senators is just 57%.

Not featured in the ad, but named as a Co-Chair of the Republicans for Tester group is Mallerie Stromswold. Stromswold served as a State Representative for HD50, which covers parts of the West End of Billings, from 2021 until resigning in January of 2023. According to the Montana Free Press, Stromswold voted to allow transgender athletes that were born male to compete in women’s athletics and to allow doctors to perform gender reassignment surgery on minors. She cited ostracization from the Republican Party as one of her reasons for resigning.

The group includes former Governor Marc Racicot, who in February of 2023 was formally rebuked by the Montana Republican Party, who no longer consider him a Republican. Racicot endorsed Joe Biden while declining to endorse any Republicans in 2020.

Another member of the group is former Montana Secretary of State, Bob Brown. Since 2018, Brown has made $6357.50 in political contributions, all of which went to Democrats. Recipients of Brown’s contributions include Raphael Warnock from Georgia, Catherine Cortez-Masto from Nevada, Tim Ryan from Ohio, Cheri Beasley from North Carolina, and Jon Tester.

In Senator Tester’s press release announcing the group, he lists off 100 “founding members”. The list does not include any last names, just a last initial. Thus, YCN was unable to research the political backgrounds of any of these other members of the group.

For Senator Tester to win he likely needs to convince a large swathe of voters to split their ticket between himself and President Trump, so this Republicans for Tester group is critical for him to reach 24 years in the U.S. Senate. However, many of the names listed are questionable in their self-proclaimed “Republican-ness”.

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