Dear Editor,
This letter is to encourage Montana voters to listen to and question our candidates running for political positions in the state, rather than just listening to the political ads telling us how unqualified a candidate is because he was born out of state despite their years of good public service to Montanans. Yes – I’m talking about the Tester/Rosendale race! I got the opportunity last week to listen to Dr. Al Olszewski and was so impressed by his common sense ideas to move our state forward and try and remedy our fiscal problems. It doesn’t matter that he was born here, but it does matter that he has good experience as a doctor, business man and Montana state senator to deal with the Montana medicaid disaster, high property taxes, lousy business climate, and the shut down of development of our natural resources. He impressed me with his knowledge of our state and its challenges as well as his willingness to do something about them. Check out Dr. Al and see if this isn’t the kind of man who, as Governor, will take Montana ahead of the slough we are in now.
I’ve gotta chime in on Carl Wolf as well. As I see it, the problem is that he has a column titled “The Outdoors.” Carl needs to stick to his subject matter and when he needs to spew his ugly politics, he should be writing letters to the editor like the rest of us. Page 3 is no place for poor old Carl. Thanks for your consideration.
Annie Halland
Bridger, MT