Because property tax bills won’t get out on time, taxpayers will get an additional 30 days in which to pay their taxes.
While already beleaguered by staff shortages and equipment failures, Yellowstone County Treasurer Sherry Long reported last week that coming as the last straw that will most certainly mean a delay in some property owners getting their tax bills, is the fact that her department cannot get the specific paper they need. The availability of the paper stock falls in the realm of the kinds of shortages that are happening throughout our world right now.
Long said that most of the county’s property tax bills were mailed on time, October 30; it will be a few days longer for some to get mailed since they have to wait for the needed paper.
State law requires that tax payers be given at least 30 days to pay their taxes from the date of mailing. Long said that the simplest solution to giving all tax payers the required length of time to pay seemed to be to extend the tax due date by another 30 days.