Dear Editor,
For crying out loud, do not encourage Carl to get involved in the Worden/Ballantine water issue! We have the best possible water board reaching out to the very best professionals and they are doing an outstanding job of keeping us up to date on what is happening and what may need to be done. We really do not need Carl jumping in with his never-ending bitterness and sad diatribe for all who he disagrees with, and printing more of his contempt for all who work hard to make our wonderful country the best place the earth has ever known. The only thing Carl is good at is writing false information and insulting your readers. Let him continue writing about things on the other side of the earth. Carl wrote an interesting column when Becky made him stick to his knowledge of wildlife issues and didn’t let him insult his neighbors. Too bad you think you have to let him go off the deep end to sell papers. I think it is a good thing to see both sides of a political issue, but insulting, belittling, and printing false and damaging things about those you disagree with is neither decent nor helpful.
Mack DelCamp