Planned parenthood will hold it’s own

Dear Editor,

So what’s the big deal about the government defunding Planned Parenthood? Don’t they provide valuable family planning and medical services to women – including those in the predicament of an unplanned pregnancy? Many large companies (through matching employee 501c3 funds) and private donors already contribute to this organization, but should they also continue to receive money from tax payers, regardless of ideology?

Pro-life groups have called abortion the ‘modern-day holocaust’ – more than 60 million pregnancies have been terminated in the USA since the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973, many of them in Planned Parenthood clinics.

The Montana legislature considered a number of bills this session that would limit abortion ‘rights’, so this affects each of us. 

The movie ‘UNPLANNED’ follows the true story of Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood Clinic Director in central Texas, and portrays the reality of the struggle women and men face when dealing with an unplanned pregnancy and the options presented. There is compassion shown for those making the ‘choice’ to terminate a pregnancy with abortion.   Most of the Planned Parenthood employees are depicted as well-intentioned, pleasant women who believe they are ‘doing right’ by the women they serve.   The film also provides a ‘behind the scenes’ view of the Planned Parenthood organization as seen by one who had 2 abortions herself, worked at the Planned Parenthood center for 8 years, and counseled women about their reproductive choices, during which time the clinic performed upwards of 22,000  abortions.  Based on Abby Johnson’s best-selling memoir ‘UNPLANNED’, it reveals how and why she changed her position on the ‘choices’ offered and now leads an organization that helps former abortion workers leave their jobs.

Don’t let the ‘R’ rating deter you from going – a sonogram portrayal of a 13 week abortion is shown, but the film also explores the emotional and physical trauma that can happen when the abortion decision is made.  It may be a little ironic that young girls who are able to get an abortion (in some states without parental notification) would need their parent’s  permission to view the film if they are under 17.

Does this organization that brought in 1.66 Billion Dollars in revenue in 2018 (PP website) need public dollars to continue its services? 

Decide for yourself when you become informed (watch the movie) and before you give consent (vote).

UNPLANNED – in theaters now.

Gladys Wittman, 

Worden, MT

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