Dear Editor:
The Birther Debate in the Montana Senate Race?
A few years ago, the “Birther” debate became a hot issue relative to where Barack Obama was born. Anyone who questioned that he was born on U.S. soil was vilified. Granted, the issue was over citizenship, but to the average Joe, it was about “is he one of us?”
Interestingly, the same ideology – with a different twist – has entered the Montana Senate race. State Auditor Matt Rosendale was not born here, can he be considered a true Montanan? Sadly, for many, this thinking has been glorified as sanctified Montana doctrine.
I have always detested the idea that “being a fourth-generation-Montanan” was a prerequisite for being a good public servant no matter which side of the aisle it came from. Really, Montana’s attitude is kind of hillbilly-like? You have to be born in these hills to be part of our “clan?” God forbid, they might have a new idea! Many of our honorable public servants were not born here.
Matthew and Jean Rosendale moved to Glendive 16 years ago and raised their three sons on a ranch. Son Adam also served in the Legislature.
Folks in Dawson County recognized his strong character, Christian values, and leadership qualities and encouraged him to run for office. Matt has served in the Montana Legislature and is now our state auditor. He was elected Senate Majority leader.
People don’t ask an “unlikable” guy to lead them. Get to know Matt and Jean — you, too, will like them.
This man has built several successful businesses. In the Auditor’s office, he has cut the budget and created options. In spite of the rhetoric you may have heard, his goals were to: advocate for consumers of Montana insurance and security products in a fair and consistent manner, expand competition to reduce costs, improve the quality of products and services, reduce unnecessary regulations, and improve access to public lands.
Soon, Montanans will chose a senator — a choice more about worldview differences than personalities. In a season when Democrats are forced to vote in lock-step with Chuck Schumer as Tester has, we will chose between supporting more socialism, sanctuary cities, open borders, higher taxes, etc. — and Matt Rosendale.
Nancy Pence