Dear Editor,
Lauris Byxbe inquired “what is the definition of great and for whom?”
This should help. Our US Constitution guarantees each of us freedom. Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of opportunity, freedom to own property, freedom to succeed or fail, freedom to earn and spend our money as we see fit and also freedom from government meddling.
For years our rights have been trampled by government and unelected government officials. GREAT is being freed from bureaucratic restriction and controls. The new policies of the past three years have allowed our economy to soar. This translates to every WORKER in America – no matter their position – making considerably more than they were making five years ago. This translates to any one who wants a job can have a job. This translates to those who were “under employed” five years ago have now found jobs with pay and benefits more in tune with their abilities and ambitions.
GREAT is defined as the ability of every American to succeed commensurate to their education, experience and drive to succeed.
Lauris, I fear you define great as “more free stuff.” Lyndon Johnson greatly enlarged the “free stuff” government. Do you know of anyone who’s life or living standard has been improved under the so called Great Society? Me neither. As Starr Parker notes – we have just condemned those people to the government plantation and then abandoned them.
Ronald Reagan famously pointed out “The best welfare system is a JOB for EVERYONE!” Clearly the definition of GREAT and for WHOM is a job for everyone and educating people to help them become self-reliant so they can take care of themselves. We have seen huge strides toward becoming GREAT in the past three years!
Mae Woo claims “thousands of research studies” say smart meters are bad. Mae, please point us to just one such study. “Settled Science” and “thousands of research studies” are code phrases that actually mean: “we have absolutely no evidence to back up our notion” but that won’t stop us from spreading anxiety and mistrust to anyone who is ignorant of the facts.
Clint Kegel
2630 Riveroaks Dr.
Billings, MT 59105