Order – Chaos – Consciousness!!

Dear Editor,

Order – Chaos – Consciousness!!

I’m currently reading Jordon Peterson’s book titled “12 Rules for Life”.             In reading rule #2, he dissects and contrasts the fundamental elements of Order, Chaos and Consciousness!!  Being in an election year and the direction we’ve experienced over the past 7 years, I can’t help but apply those 3 elements to where we are today.

Order, per Jordon Peterson, is the “desire to be in a place where all things turn out the way we want them too”.  Everything goes as planned.  Not rocking the boat?  Nothing “new or disturbing”.  A world of peace, stability, unity, etc.  Government “is” the solution toward a utopia if you will.  Consequently, throwing money at it creating a National Debt which is outrageous.  On top of that, absolutely no accountability (the now), combined with no concern/worry about the impact over time (the future).  After all, we won’t be around to see the result!

Chaos has to do with uncertainty, unknown, outside the box, uncomfortable, yes even scary at times.  Enter Past President Trump?  A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for accountability, upsetting the apple-cart, an outsider shaking things up. 

Enter “Consciousness”!!  This is totally my interpretation/view of the 3 fundamental elements that come November, we as “the people” will have to decide what direction and/or outcome do we support??

Short-Term I:  “ORDER” – kicking the can down the road with no accountability.

Short-Term II:  “ CHAOS” –  Uncomfortable?  Certainly.  Accountability a must!

Decision:  “CONSCIOUSNESS” –  Which and who is best for our Great Nation??

Belief system I:  Would we rather keep our Children more safe than strong?

Belief system II: Would we rather keep our Nation more safe than strong?

Knowing/Believing that nothing has 100% guaranteed outcome, I certainly know which way I lean?  YOU?


Edward O. Hoem


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