Folks, there is so much going on that I don’t have much time to get it all to the masses so here’s my cliff notes version for now. I’ll opine later.
First, Our Yellowstone DigIt Days was a HUGE success!!! The trophy wife and I (Yes, Carl, that is for you) were really pleased with the turnout and the response the community, businesses and local families gave to this event.
A huge thank you and shout out goes to our sponsors for their initial quick support of this event fundraiser. Lisa Perry at NorthWestern Energy, Dave Resch at Knife River, John Hurd and Adam Gilbertson at RDO Equipment Company and Walter Cayce at ExxonMobil.
Also, a big thank you to Clint Kalfell from Montana 811 (Call before you dig) for his support, blessing and encouragement in pulling off an event like this.
Also, a big thank you to my staff here at Yellowstone County News for all the extra work, hours, and expertise in working together on a pressed timeline in getting everything together so fast for this event and on time.
Thank you to my parents, my wife and family for their support in knowing that I was stressed out with trying to make this event fundraiser a success. I don’t know of one thing that did not get completed, but I was stressed out all the way up to the event. I was even worried about our DigIt Day hats not coming on time for the actual event, but they showed up the day before. Thank you, Marilyn Roen, at MGR Marketing for jumping on it the moment I called. I knew I was up against a very tight deadline, but she came through for me as she has in the past.
Finally, thank you to all our readers and supporters of the Yellowstone County News as we have lots going on in our newspaper.
On another note, Krayton Kerns announced two weeks ago in the paper that he is done writing his weekly column (Weekly Ramblings of a Conservative Cow Doctor) but I also think he should answer the call of his readers and stay the course until the end of the 2020 election cycle as one of the letters to the editor requested in last week’s paper. However, I completely understand he has a lot going on in his life from career, family and life in general. If you’d like to see his return, Please send us a letter to the editor so he can see the need to stay the course.
Okay, school is starting this week for area schools. Mine started today Wednesday. In fact, my youngest of 5 is entering kindergarten so I’m sure it will be bitter sweet for my wife and me.
With that, we will start publishing the first school pages for area schools on the week after Labor Day. We will also have other schools starting their school pages as well so be patient as it is new for them but rest assured, there is a lot of good stuff happening in our rag (as Carl Wolf call’s it).
MontanaFair was great once again and Yellowstone County News had a booth there for the whole 10 days right before our big DigIt Days event. Thank you to my staff and my son Anderson who worked long hours promoting the newspaper and holding down the fort. He was tickled to go earn money and represent the Yellowstone County News and DigIt Days all week as I did not even stay in the booth for more than one hour all week.
Finally, once I take a little breather (if possible) and get caught up this weekend, you can count on us announcing a couple other things in the near future if I can pull that off as well. However, I’m not going to count my chicks before that they hatch. Just remember that if you can see the tip of the iceberg of where we are going, then imagine what you can’t see,
Until then, see you the paper!