On to the next big bite…of the elephant

Well folks, now that DigIt Days is over, I can slow down a bit and now regroup and refocus my attention to our newspaper and what we are doing and where we are going. 

Yes, we’ve heard your concerns about Krayton Kerns stopping his articles and he is considering his possible return.  I laughed when I saw the seriousness of Vera Johnson with her letter to the editor in last week’s paper about being willing to shovel out his animal stalls if he would come back to writing.  Well, I’m sure Krayton is seriously considering the call of his readers. We’ll see what he decides hopefully by next week.    

Secondly, we are in full swing of all the local schools starting the next school year.  With that being said and in addition to the Huntley Project, Shepherd and Custer schools, we have three new schools that we will be publishing their school pages each week during the school year.  Senior High Broncs, West High Battlin Bears and Lockwood High School.  Two will be starting their school pages in the September 13thedition of our newspaper.  Lockwood will start around October 1stas they are in a unique situation with a new high school and freshman class.    

We are excited to include their school pages in the Yellowstone County News each week. However, we’ll need all the help we can get in helping each school get their school pages published each week by the advertisers that help support the newspaper.  So, if you are a local business, or have an entity that involves education, or are just wanting to support your specific school, please reach out to my office or sales staff and we’ll get an ad put together to run in our newspaper.  It’s the local businesses and their support of these school pages that help get the school pages published each week.  

Thirdly, this is a call for those businesses wanting to support the honor pages again for this next school year.  The honor pages are a full-page feature usually of a sport, group or entity that is about to go to tournaments or festivals.  The cost for the year for a business, person or entity is $177.50, same as the last couple years.  

As we have been doing the honor pages for the last many, many years, please reach out to me if you are not aware of the honor pages as it will be new to some folks that are new to our newspaper.  My cell phone is 406-672-5941 if you need it or have questions about the honor pages. It is good to secure your support early of the honor pages for the year.  

Also, with the amount of school pages being published which means an increase in school events. We encourage each school to put your own school calendar in your own school pages. 

So, I have some work to do in preparation for this year’s school pages and honor pages. 

Until then and as for Carl Wolf’s Climate change, I’ll leave him alone… for now!   

See you in the paper, 


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