Judith Ann Carroll, Born January 23, 1943 passed peacefully from terminal cancer July 6th2018. Judy was born in Phillipsburg, Montana to her beloved parents Dorothy and Arthur Plath, and raised with her 4 siblings: Tom (Roseanne), Russ (Susan), Betsy (Bob), and Janet.
Her life was dedicated to her 3 children of whom she was most proud and reveled in their accomplishments.
Judy attended Eastern Montana College, receiving a master’s in Education, and taught in many schools before finally settling in at Shepherd Elementary where she is best known for her many years as a librarian.
Memorial services will be held at Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Shepherd Friday July 13that 2 P. M. Reception will follow in the church basement.
In lieu of flowers, Judith wanted books donated in her honor to the Shepherd School. Books will be collected at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, or by her immediate family.
Judy’s legacy will live on, not only in her children and her grandchildren, but in every stamp in every donated book, every child who wonders who Mrs. Judy Carroll is, and every adult whose life she greatly affected with her teachings.
Judy is preceded in death by her parents, Dorothy and Arthur Plath, Sisters Betsy Raymond and Janet Plath and many aunts and uncles. She leaves behind her brothers Tom (Roseanne) Plath, Russ (Susan) Plath, and children Jesse, Timothy (Sara), and Lindsey (Buckley) and grandchildren whom she adored, Kelsey and Molly Carroll, Charlotte Harper, Samantha Reynolds, Hailey and Nate Reynolds (step) and so many more extended family and friends.