A beloved mother, daughter, sister and friend, Jennifer Loraine McCollum left this world on May 15, 2020, unexpectedly at age 34. She was known by her family and friends as JJ. Jennifer will be deeply missed by all who knew and loved her.
Jennifer was born to Faye Wilson on October 20, 1985, in White Sulphur Springs, Montana. She grew up in Ballantine, Montana, where she attended Huntley Project Schools. She later attended Job Corps in Anaconda, Montana, where she received her GED, High School Diploma and a Business Marketing Degree.
Jennifer leaves behind her sons, Jonathan (John), Frank (Tank) and Shane (Finnegan); mother, Faye Wilson; sisters: Jamie McCollum and her daughters, Gabriela and Amelia, and Jessica Anderson and her children, Mazati, Damen and Aurora; many aunts, uncles, cousins and friends.
Jennifer was preceded in death by her grandparents Gene and Thelma Tomes, Donald Husemann, Paula Martinez, Cindy Hoyt.
Jennifer was a dedicated mother first and foremost. She treasured and embraced every moment with her children. She wanted nothing more for them, than to have a wonderful life. Jennifer was a loving and compassionate person who loved to be silly and had one of the most beautiful smiles.
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made at any Stockman Bank location to the McCollum Boys’ Fund.
Rest in Peace.