Dear Editor,
Let me start by wishing all fathers past, present and future a happy Father’s Day. In the June 14th edition, I would like to comment on two different topics. The first was a letter to the editor deriding one candidate for higher office as being a two-time loser from MARYLAND. What difference does that make? As we learned in the last election, he’s been here over 20 years. Is there a constitutional requirement, Federal or State, on how long one must live somewhere to be considered a member of that community? Legally he met it – Loser? Even Abraham Lincoln failed in races before becoming President. That one worked out pretty good. The other being a puff piece by P. Jimison on Kathleen Williams. Not once did it mention that Ms. Williams was from California. So, is it just that both authors are Liberals? Or, is one out-of-stater bad and the other apparently okay? Why does it matter in this day and age when people are so mobile in careers or is it just petty partisan politics no matter the author?
The next was Ms. Progressive reduced to name calling again. She does not seem able to write a single article without name calling of groups or individuals who do not agree with her uber-liberal socialist ideology. She lamented on “what’s up with the maladjusted and mindless behavior” of people who do not agree with her obvious bias towards the LGBTQ agenda. Apparently, her view point is one of we are supposed to fall in line behind her lock, stock, and barrel bowing to her every thought blindly despite our personal beliefs, faiths, or ideology…period. Not in my America. She then chastises non-Ms. Progressive followers of resorting to shaming and name-calling. Who is doing the name calling? She then brings in the “values” and allowing people the human dignity to be who they are without fear – No one disagrees with that comment – until she mentioned people being used or manipulated. Who’s manipulating whom here? This very weekend we were exposed to the uber liberal LGBTQ agenda whereby transsexuals were brought into schools to force their “agenda” on impressionable school kids! As the libertarian leaning agenda is all Americans deserve to live in dignity – no one group is above or below another.
Dave Malek