Thanks, Jonathan, for your eye-opening work on propaganda sent out by out-of-state newspaper

Dear Editor,

In the September 13, 2024, issue of your paper I read the Editorial by Jonathan McNiven concerning a newspaper called the “Montana Independent”. I read many articles that state things but being inquisitive type person, I like to check the facts as stated, and I found a website that does just that called “www.INFLUENCEWATCH.ORG”, this program is provided to the public by a non-profit organization called “CAPITAL RESEARCH” based in Washington, D.C. I did some checking and found that the facts stated by Jonathan were true with even read more

Between the Lines: A few notes about the election:

* It’s striking how quickly Republicans have moved from blaming the last four years on Joe Biden to blaming them on Kamala Harris. It’s as though they have forgotten how limited the powers of the vice president are.

John Nance Garner famously characterized the vice presidency as not worth “a bucket of warm spit,” even though the actual term he used was more scatological. Disparagement of the vice president’s powers go back to our earliest days as a country. When our first vice president, John Adams, wondered how he should be addressed as president of the Senate, Benjamin Franklin suggested, “His superfluous Excellency.” A senator suggested the portly Adams be referred to as “His rotundity.”

* Critics of Harris discount the read more

The Border Czar

Did Kamala forget that as the Border Czar of the United States her actions on illegal immigration would be highly visible? This visibility, I might add, shows a job of utter failure, if not a downright dereliction of duties. Mainstream media is aiding and abetting this dereliction by providing cover.

Cover…meaning her dereliction of duty is never reported, and if one calls her by her given title (3/24/2021), Border Czar, you are denigrated for misinformation. We all know, no matter how many times Kamala denies, she had the authority, and is therefore responsible for the illegal immigration. Meaning, she is responsible for all the results of illegal immigration.

The success of the Kamala-Tester augmentation of illegal drug flow across our borders was noted in the YCN, on 8/8/24. These failures alone would disqualify any other candidates. It is even worse, though. We have yet to note the nefarious human trafficking.

Let’s look at the Border Czar Kamala’s administration (Kamala’s administration because all know Biden’s been a puppet) stats. The 2023 Modern Slavery Index reports that there were almost 1.1 million read more

Does redressing government misdeeds make one a liberal? OK then, call Tester a liberal

TV ads arguing that U.S. Sen. Jon Tester, D-Montana, is too liberal because he voted against aid to white farmers raised this profound question: Huh?

What does Tester have against white farmers? He is one, right?

The ads, placed by the Senate Leadership Fund, explain themselves in such small type and for so few seconds that I had to pause an online version to make out what the ad was about. You can decide for yourself whether Tester cast the right vote.

Warning: If you are tired of these ads, brace yourself. Axios reports that the Leadership Fund, a political action committee connected with former Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, plans to spend $25 million by election day on the race between Tester and Republican challenger Tim Sheehy. As of Sept. 11, according to Open Secrets, the fund had spent $4.7 million, all of it on negative ads about Tester.

The ad in question is about a vote Tester cast in March 2021 to defeat an amendment to the American Rescue Plan Act. The amendment, supported by all Senate Republicans, would have removed read more

Laurel Gardens Seeks CDBG Grant

The Yellowstone County Commissioners set a public hearing for Tuesday, September 24, 9:30 am, seeking public comment on a proposed application to the Montana Department of Commerce’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program for a grant to fund the second phase of the rehabilitation of Laurel Gardens, located at 313 South 8th Avenue.

Laurel Gardens is an income-based apartment community, subsidized by HUD. Tenants pay 30% of monthly adjusted income and must fall in read more

Healthcare for Working Montanans: Let’s Keep What Works

Dear Editor,

Healthcare for Working Montanans: Let’s Keep What Works

We’ve all heard the age-old maxim, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” That applies to our state’s healthcare programs that ensure working Montanans stay healthy, hospitals thrive, and windfall returns on investment for taxpayers and patients.

One of my goals for the next state legislative session starting in January is to keep looking out for Montanans. An essential part of this is protecting the Medicaid program, which provides healthcare for lower income working families who often work two or more jobs.

This program helps workers, the small businesses that employ them, and is an essential part of healthcare for rural Montanans. In 2015, Montana expanded Medicaid coverage just as 40 other states have done.

And it’s working: the state’s uninsured rate is down by more than 50 percent while ER visits and hospitalizations have read more

High School Baseball Comes to Huntley Project

Huntley Project School District has joined a regional trend by approving a proposal for a high school baseball program for the 2024-2025 school year. Billings School District 2 has also announced a baseball program in the last year. Huntley Project Activities Director Tim Kaczmarek informed the board that after surveying students at Huntley, he was able to identify around 26 students who were interested in joining a high school team, including four of which who already play in the American Legion league in town.  Season conflicts between Billings SD2 and American Legion helped spur Kaczmarek to start a baseball program in Huntley. Kaczmarek said, “Our kids are missing out on a couple months of practice due to read more

Sheehy Rallies with SD Governor in Billings

On Sunday, September 22, candidate for U.S. Senate Tim Sheehy held rallies in Billings, Great Falls, and Kalispell with South Dakota’s Governor, Kristi Noem.

The rally in Billings was held in an airport hanger and was attended by over 300 people. Sheehy and Noem were introduced by local legislator Jodee Etchart of MT HD 51. Etchart preached the importance of “showing up” in winning elections, a consistent theme among the speakers.

Tim started by thanking Etchart, as well as the people of Montana for helping him to grow from a relative unknown who had never run for office to now leading in every major poll for the last six months, despite being largely outspent. Sheehy stressed read more

He will do anything he can to hang onto power

Dear Editor

I’m disgusted by Jon Tester’s lack of virtue which was demonstrated by the full page ads in newspapers falsely accusing Tim Sheehy of shutting down our rural hospitals. Even for Tester, this ad is a new low designed to stir up fear in the hearts of our neighbors. It’s politics at its worst, orchestrated by none other than the “Big Sandy dirt farmer” who claims Washington hasn’t changed him.

Here’s the truth. Tim is read more

Only problem, there wasn’t a word of truth to anything Crisp wrote.

Dear Editor,

David Crisp wrote a scathing article about Donald Trump.  Only problem there wasn’t a word of truth to anything Crisp wrote.  We know Tester & Kamala are world class liars and now Crisp has demonstrated he is part of the club.  I won’t attempt to correct all the lies and inuendoes Crisp laid out there as all have been clarified or corrected in other media and courts-even the Lame Stream Media is now admitting the vitriol against Trump is manufactured, and it is time to put it to rest!

I’m sure this isn’t news to anyone, but Kamala was unable to pass the bar exam. She found out Willie Brown (the most powerful politician in California at the time) was looking for a sex kitten.  Kamala spent the next several years at Willie’s beck and call anytime he desired sex.  Although wholly unqualified Willie made sure Kamala was elected San Francisco’s District Attorney.  Look up her record it is pretty dismal.  Then as the sex favors continued, Willie got Kamala elected to an even higher office for which she has no qualification – US Senator from California.  Look up her record, while in the Senate she voted farther left than Bernie Sanders.  Who would have ever thought read more

Do this and we can make America respectable again.

Dear Editor,

I read a quote recently that really hit home. “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is for good men to do nothing.” I need to do something. Today I want to state what I think a person should consider before running for President or any other office.

Read the job description. Understand what you are being elected to do. It is not about you. Then read “How to win Friends and Influence People.” Also read Proverbs frequently. Here is one that hits the mark: Proverbs 13:5 “A good man hates a lie. Wicked men lie constantly and come to shame.” Understand that you should not be the smartest man in the room. Use the philosophy of Henry Ford to surround yourself with people who make up for your lack of knowledge in key areas. Choose your cabinet and advisors carefully. Once you have made your choices, let them do their work. Do not turn your read more

Support MT Coal Rally in Roundup

In May and July of this year, Senator Steve Daines proposed three pieces of legislation aimed to keep Montana mining operations alive, as well as to provide needed revenue for the Crow Tribe. Several local legislators and mayors are planning to speak at a rally in Roundup on Friday, September 27 in support of these proposals.

The Crow Revenue Act (S.4444) in conjunction with Senate bills 4431 and 4432 would read more

New Emergency Alert System Available – YCI

To better warn citizens about emergency situations, Yellowstone County Disaster and Emergency Services is implementing a new emergency system called Yellowstone County Informed (YCI).

Citizens are encouraged to sign up to receive emergency notifications via texts, emails, cell phones, etc. at https:// member. 305943405396532/ new. The new notification system serves all residents of Yellowstone County in partnership with emergency service providers throughout the county and the City of Billings.

Annemarie Overcast, Yellowstone County Department of Emergency Services Coordinator, explained that the county implemented the new system because they had to have such a platform to access Integrated Public Alert and Warning System called IPAWS, a system which issues alerts from the Department of Justice, such as Amber Alerts.

There are many options in selecting a platform, explained Overcast and the County chose Everbridge. Since Everbridge allows each jurisdiction to brand their own system, County officials chose the name Yellowstone County Informed or YCI.

The system is very versatile and enables the city and county to issue read more

Meanderings – Best of Yellowstone County Editor’s Choice Award, Sam Bruner,

Well, Folks, we are running a little late this year in announcing the winners of our Best of Yellowstone County Awards and feature the best professionals out there in our communities and industries.

Not only is it important to recognize all the winners this year but also the industry professionals that have won it this year. It must say something about the job they are doing in the community, for their clients and/or customers in the local Yellowstone County area. There are a number of businesses that have won the Best of Yellowstone County Award five or more years in a row. Do you know who they are?

As for the Editor’s Choice Award this year, I’ve chosen Sam Bruner, Huntley Project’s High School Principal, as this year’s Best of Yellowstone County Awards recipient. I’ve been to a lot of schools over the years and what he does stands out in a good way.

There are a lot of reasons for awarding Sam this Editor’s Choice Award.

I’ve sat back for years and observed Sam in action as he read more

Tester Breaks with Moderates on Senate Filibuster

This past Monday, Vice President Kamala Harris told Wisconsin Public Radio that she supports eliminating the Senate filibuster to pass a codification of Roe v. Wade. If the filibuster were to be eliminated, the Senate would just need a simple majority of 51 rather than 60 votes to pass legislation. Harris has voiced support for ending the filibuster as early as 2019 while she was a senator, as she hoped to pass the Green New Deal.

Moderate Democrat Senators, including Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema (technically both Independents, but caucus with Democrats) have since made public statements denouncing the elimination of the filibuster.

In a post on X, Sinema said, read more

“Republicans for Tester” Group Brimming with Fake Republicans

Last month, Senator Jon Tester’s campaign launched the group “Republicans for Tester”. On September 1, Tester’s campaign put out an advertisement featuring their Republican supporters. However, many of the featured “Republicans” have solely supported Democrats and their policies, while openly criticizing Republicans.

In the ad, Justin Schaaf and his wife Kayleigh claim to be “lifelong Republicans” who plan on voting for Jon Tester. According to an analysis of FEC data, Schaaf has only ever donated to Democrats. In 2019 and 2020, he donated $42.50 to Steve Bullock. Steve Bullock, a Democrat and former governor, ran for president in that cycle before dropping out to try unseating Sen. Steve Daines, but was defeated by Daines by a margin of 10 points. Schaaf has voiced support for read more

Tester Cast Tiebreaking Vote for Debt Relief Program that Excluded White Farmers

In a recent advertisement from the Senate Leadership Fund, Senator Jon Tester was called out for supporting a farmer relief program that excluded white farmers and ranchers.

In the 2021 American Rescue Plan Act, a measure was added to provide debt relief for farmers and ranchers up to 120% of their outstanding loans to alleviate the financial burden caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this program excluded white farmers and ranchers, reserving the loan forgiveness solely for the “socially disadvantaged”. Senator Tester was not just the tiebreaking vote in passing the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act, but also the tiebreaking vote in striking down an amendment in the Senate to read more

Hundreds of MT Miners Laid Off, Sen. Daines Proposes Legislation in Response

Last week, Sibanye-Stillwater announced to their employees that they would have to layoff around 700 employees starting on November 12. The mine, which produces palladium and platinum, cited a massive drop in the trading price of palladium, as two years ago it was traded at $2,305 per ounce, and through the first half of this year traded at just $977. They also believe that Russian dumping is a cause of this price drop, as Russia produces over 40% of palladium, and the U.S. has continually increased its imports. As the sale price of palladium fell, production costs did not follow suit, as high inflation and regulation kept costs up. The mine has lost $352 million since read more

MT Healthcare Professionals Call Out Tester for Healthcare Lies

Over the last month, Senator Tester’s campaign has placed full page ads in several local newspapers accusing Tim Sheehy of planning to close 49 hospitals in Montana. The ad then lists 49 medical centers, including Billings Clinic Broadwater and Beartooth Billings Clinic. However, the ad has been disavowed by a group of 37 healthcare professionals, as well as by the Central Montana Medical Center.

In a post on Facebook on Wednesday, September 11, the Central Montana Medical Center, whose name was featured in the ad, stated “CMMC is NOT closing & did not run or endorse the ad campaign being run currently in our local paper.” They state that the ads were “not coordinated with nor endorsed by the hospitals named in the ad.”

In a letter penned by 37 Montana healthcare workers, Tester is called out for read more

Worden/Ballantine Water and Sewer Votes to Move Forward with Raising Base Rates

Due to increased operating costs and the unexpected cost of repairs due to “flushable wipes,” the Worden/Ballantine Water and Sewer District voted to move forward with a base rate increase at their monthly meeting on Monday, September 9. The rate increase would bring the base rate for water up to $52.00/month from the previous $49.43/month and the base rate for sewer services would increase to $15.39/month from the previous $13.17/month. Additionally, curb stop repair fees would increase to $5 and the district would also be doing away with the policy of providing customers their first 2000 gallons of water for free. These rate increases still require read more