The location of the new Huntley Project Veterans Park in Huntley along Nahmis Ave and the Yellowstone River. The Yellowstone Valley Electric Cooperative shop is also near the new park. (Jonathan McNiven photo)
Originally published in the Yellowstone County News 9/22/17 print edition.
HUNTLEY — It has a new name and a new home, but a Huntley group’s mission has not changed: Help local veterans, 100 percent.
In its fourth year, the Citizens for our Veterans fundraiser begins at 7 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 30 at its new home, Veterans Park in Huntley.
Citizens for Our Veterans, formerly known as Wounded Warriors, received use of the park along Nahmis Avenue in Huntley from the Huntley Project Irrigation District last spring. The parkland was deeded to the irrigation district by the Bureau of Reclamation.
Event organizer Tamy Lucas of Huntley said the group has been sprucing up the park, removing some old trees and getting ready to host the fundraiser.
Lucas said all money raised supports veterans. In the past, the group has helped veterans with rent, repaired their vehicles, “worked hand in hand with Volunteers of America” and the Billings Veterans Center to direct assistance.
On tap are a car show, which begins at 7 a.m., a live auction at noon and live music. Helicopter rides are planned, with pilot “Chopper Charlie,” weather permitting. Veterans ride free, but others pay per flight, she said.
Parking is available on site, with food and beverages. Money from sales of T-shirts, hats and drink koozies will all help local veterans.
The fun continues on Sunday, Oct. 1, with a poker run. Entries for both motorcycles and cars are accepted from 9 to 11 a.m. with the ride starting at 11. The entry fee is $20, with $10 going to veterans and $10 assisting children of deployed military members.
Lucas said the group is accepting donations of items for the live auction. All donations are tax deductible.