The new Yellowstone Area Chamber of Commerce released their formation and logo, above, which is based out of Billings, Montana. The new Chamber will support pro-business ideas and practices.
Originally published for the 1/4/19 print edition of the Yellowstone County News.
A group of local business owners have announced the formation of the Yellowstone Area Chamber of Commerce. The group was formed in response to a growing belief among business owners that common-sense, pro-business solutions are often secondary policy goals of other business organizations, announced Sam Loveridge, who has been named as the new organization’s Executive Director.
The group will educate and advocate for proven and business-centric policy prescriptions that create a positive environment for businesses and economic growth, said Loveridge.
As indicated by its name the Yellowstone Area Chamber of Commerce is being formed more as a … Read more in the print edition of the paper or by subscribing online here.