Name calling not a platform for progress

Dear Editor,

I was puzzled by one of the contributors continuing to smear some of your readers by referring to them as “mindless watchers of Fox News” ….where does this hatred come from on the radical or progressive left?  It’s so intellectually lazy to reduce every argument to name calling.  I do not recall anyone saying he does not know what’s going on in politics.  Its just that he has a gross misrepresentation of conservatives/republicans.   On the other hand, I rather enjoyed his recent characterization of our educational system by decrying “Americans” as having no clue how our country runs…..which is funny as that is actually a condemnation of our educational system.  Ironically, the system has been controlled and run by Democrats for 40-50-60 years that has lead us to this point.  In that time, we have slipped from the leading country to below 20th in the world.

Recently, this particular YCN contributor attacked Jose regarding Nathan Philips.  Showing yet another sign that he may not be doing all his research.  Nathan Philips had to admit he is not actually a Viet Nam veteran.  I also note that this contributor had no condemnation of the Black Hebrew Israelites who instigated the conflict by spewing the most vile racial names at these innocent teenagers who did nothing more than wear a MAGA hat.  They demonstrated tremendous restraint in not going over and putting a good fashion case of whoppin’ on those disgusting anti-Americans.  More lazy journalism, just pick the easy target white Christian teenagers.  Can this mean that this contributor supports the Black Hebrew Israelites position?  I doubt it, but why the silence?

Also, I continue to be dismayed by his apparent hatred of President Trump implying he’s “not helping our democracy” which I think is just wrong.  He is trying to strengthen/rebuild America by dealing with the toughest issues the past three Presidents didn’t have the guts to even touch!  Ironically, this President, since taking office, is trying to restore law & order again, out-of-control illegal FBI/DOJ and IRS, deal with nuclear North Korea and Iran, flagrant China violations, a rogue Russia expansion in Europe, dangerous immigration issues, a devastated military and a pathetic economy that Obama said we had to just get used to the new future.  Most recently, he is dealing with a huge humanitarian issue in Venezuela where millions have fled the economic devastation of the Socialist dictatorial regime.  I, for one, could not be more supportive. I can only imagine what all he could accomplish if we had a few more Americans supporting him ending the misguided RESIST movement.

Dave Malek,


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