Much Ado About the Color of a Person’s Skin

Dear Editor,

Racism is a big deal these days.  Critical Race Theory, Black Lives Matter, the Biden administration has even asked the United Nations to look into why the United States is “racist”. 

Much ado about the color of a person’s skin and how that might predetermine their skill level or intelligence.  Historically, I don’t recall any mention in the Bible of the color of a person’s skin.  We would assume that most then had a degree of a tan – lots of sun in those countries.  Religion, tribes, were the defining factors across the world then, and are even now; but skin color was not important then – why now?

The Democratic party has a history of trying to prevent the Negro race from advancing, and they are paying a price for it.    Government paperwork is perpetuating this racist crap.  I seem to recall nearly every form I have been required to fill out asks that I list my “race”.  We are a nation of immigrants, and I have enjoyed going to school, playing sports with, eating and conversing with multiple “races” over the years; I have never found any “one race” to be quicker or brighter than another.  Recently I have referred to myself as an “American” on forms that required a race ID.  We should all refuse to fill out that part.  The Federal/State/County/City forms should stop even asking that question.  We are all equal individuals in this country, and should each be judged by the work we do and the effort we put out – certainly not by our race or the color of our skin.

Stuart Deans

Lockwood, MT

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