Huntley Project School District (HPSD) has decided to not renew Mandy Morales’ contract for the Girls’ Basketball Head Coach position, citing contract. Morales was high school assistant coach for the high school girls’ basketball for two years and then head coach for three years. According to Morales she has worked with and coached the current high school senior class since their 6th grade year at Huntley and when asked about her time at HPHS Morales stated that what stuck with her most was, “watching the students grow into great humans and great players.” Last year Huntley’s girls’ basketball placed third at the state tournament and fourth the year before.
Morales said, “It’s sad I won’t be able to see this year’s seniors to the end of the season.” Sources close to the high school team have stated that a few of the players have questioned Morales’ coaching style, and Morales believes some of the parents had similar sentiments. Mandy thinks some of those parents, who had reservations about her coaching style, presented their objections to Tim Kaczmarek or the school board. Morales stated, “It’s sad to say that a couple parents were kind of driving me out.”
In a press release Wandle stated, “There was a … Read Full story by subscribing