Dear Editor:
Politicians are elected to make decisions in the public’s best interests. Senate District 22 candidate Doug Kary’s voting record is proof he is irresponsible when it comes to the public’s best interests.
In 2011, Mr. Kary voted against landowner rights; to “authorize public utilities to acquire property by eminent domain without certifying the necessity of the acquisition.” He gave big government the right to take your property, no questions asked.
In 2015, Mr. Kary voted for leniency for sexual assault offenders. Voting to reduce sentences for sexual offenders not only puts the public at risk; reduced punishment encourages these offenders to commit their crime again.
We all know that guns and alcohol don’t mix. In 2013, Doug voted to allow guns in bars in restaurants without a concealed permit. Compound this with his vote to put guns in schools, on college campuses and a vote to do away with concealed weapons permits, period! With his record, you’d think we’ve regressed back to the “wild, wild west!”
Montanans take pride in their clean air and water. In 2011, Doug voted to prohibit regulations on the release of greenhouse gases in Montana. Do our kids, grandkids and future generations not have a right to clean air and water? Does he not care about the jobs related to Montana’s thriving outdoor industry? Apparently not.
Jennifer Merecki does have the public’s best interests in mind, not rubber stamp partisan politics.
Vote for progression, not regression. Vote Merecki for Senate District 22- Billings Heights.
Andy Boyd
Big Timber