Montana Fair Green Lighted by Officials

Despite the need to slash budgets by 80 percent because of cancellations due to the COVID-19 crisis, Metra Park officials are fully intent on producing Montana Fair, August 7-15, this year.

“We are firmly committed to having a fair this year,” Tim Goodridge, Metra Park Assistant Manager, told County Commissioners on Monday. “We understand that there are some changes that will be necessary . . . but the Fair is important not just from a financial stand point but as a matter of morale.”  

Metra Park officials have plans on how to produce the Fair while still conforming to health officials’ requirements for continued social distancing, even with the resumption of business. In addition, they will be taking close note, of what other fairs in the country are doing, said Goodridge.

Goodridge and Manager Bill Dutcher met with county commissioners at the request of County Commissioner Don Jones, to explain what is being done at Metra Park to reduce expenses. Jones commented that Metra Park is a county enterprise fund and if it has no revenues coming in, they should be making sure minimal dollars are going out.

“We are running pretty bare bones,” said Goodridge, explaining that they have gone through the budget line by line, cutting expenses to a degree that they have reduced the budget that was approved for 2020 by 80 percent.


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