Dear Editor,
In my medical specialty most of the patients that find their way to our offices do so because of pain complaints. Most of that pain is acute but some of it could be characterized as chronic. When a medical seminar in Billings concerning the latest available treatments for chronic pain was available, I decided to attend it. Of course all types of medical treatments were discussed, physical therapy was presented and even certain new medical devices that held promise for treating chronic pain were discussed. Even hypnosis was presented. Of course, the economic burden on society for caring for people in chronic pain was presented.
Even though this seminar was presented a number of years ago, I remember it well because of a presentation given by a doctor from the Canadian Province of Saskatchewan . I remembered the equipment he used would be considered out dated by our standards, but the results he was getting with the patients he treated were quite good. The only drawback he said was that there was a three year waiting list for a patient who wanted to take advantage of these treatments. In Sweden I understand a socialized medical system is in place. I also understand that if you pay or your employer pays for supplemental insurance that you can be seen faster and can be treated by a doctor you actually speaks your language and is not from a foreign country.
Today we are promised free education from pre-school through college. We will have free medical care and who knows free what else if we would only vote for the right political party. The fact that this party apparently hates babies and Christians but loves Muslims who would like to kill all of us infidels should not concern you!
Dr. W. David
Herbert ESQ
Billings, MT