Well, Folks, there are a lot of things happening nationally so here’s my two cents this week on a national perspective.
- Look at the comparisons of the bond amounts for Bernie Madoff who defrauded tens of billions of dollars from his investors and charged $10 Million but Donald Trump is charged $455 Million when there were no victims as well as the banks testified in court that they were paid back early with interest, and all the banks want to still do business with him. The New York Appellate Court overturned Judge Arthur Engoron’s amount of $455 Million and slashed the amount by more than half in the appeals court ruling to $175 million just this week. I guess this is not the first, second, third or fourth time this New York Judge Arthur Engoron has been overturned. But here’s the deal, Democrats and the deep state are just trying to make him spend his money to defend himself and tie up all his money so he can’t have it available to run his campaign. In my opinion, this is not the only frivolous lawsuit that Democrats and the Biden administration are trying to underhandedly dish out. Then you have Fani Willis and her case that is also taking up more money and time all within an election year. That’s how political opponents use the legal system to weaponize it just because one is opposed to another politically. If you think anyone can use this tactic against an opponent or someone they don’t’ like, it could happen to you just like that. Personally, I think it’s going to backfire on them all, and I’ll explain why later as I see the landscape clearing for this upcoming election in Trump’s favor.
Inflation: Look at the image I got here about inflation compared to three years ago. How’s that “bidenomics” working out for you and me? Well. . . It’s not for me, and I’m sure it’s not for you as well, but I’ll let you decide for yourself. Let me know what you think with your letters.
- Here is the irony of what happened this week with the Francis Scott Key Bridge accident crashing down due to the big cargo ship crashing into it. Is it foreshadowing and somewhat symbolic of the future of our country as Francis Scott Key was the one who penned the words to our National Anthem? I’ll let you consider, chew and then digest that thought for a little bit.
- In my opinion, these Trump cases are truly frivolous lawsuits in order to make Donald Trump use up all his cash, resources and distract his time, and energy where he could have been campaigning and communicating with the American people instead of dealing with all the side noise and distractions. Are we truly in perilous times? I’ll let you be the judge of that.
- Former Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced his running mate this week. Kennedy initially launched his presidential bid as a Democrat last April, but he later announced an independent run in October 2023 after the Democratic National Committee (DNC) said it would not hold primary debates and was standing behind incumbent President Biden. This independent run on a third-party ticket will hurt Biden and the Democrats in a big way and will help Trump to the presidency. That’s why I think national liberal pundits and Democrats are so upset this week about him running especially after he announced his Vice-presidential pick of Entrepreneur Nicole Shanahan. Shanahan’s wealth and connections to major donors will benefit Kennedy as he aims to improve his fundraising efforts preparing for the general election.
In my experience of a two-party rigged system elections, a third-party candidate seems to spoil that each time, so here we go, but I think Kennedy jumping into the fray of the general election will ultimately help Trump, not sure if he (Kennedy) realizes that though.
- Then somehow, the Liberal Democrat from Montana, John Tester seems to get elected from a Red State like Montana. His liberal votes just reflect how out of touch he is with everyday Montanans while he follows liberal Democrats Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and other liberal causes out of touch with Montanans. BUT it’s election season for John Tester, and so he is starting to poke his head back into Montana for the election year cycle. If Montana wanted to send a ripple effect across the nation showing where we stand on Montana values, we would vote Tester out which would essentially give Republicans the majority in the US Senate. Heck, Senator Steve Daines would probably run for the US Senate President position and win if Tim Sheehy wins over Tester. I don’t know much about Sheehy but personally I’ve not met him either.
Finally, did you know the most important position that Montana contributes to the US Congress is our two Senator positions? The ratio we as Montana provide nationally is two of 100 seats in the US Senate whereas we contribute two of 435 seats in the US House of Representatives. Our two US Senate seats in Montana are the most important contribution we provide as a state nationally. We don’t need Tester to bring all these bills forward to bring money home to Montana and all our special individual pet projects; we need Tester to vote like a Montanan or vote him out.
It’s time to vote him out and Yellowstone County is the biggest county population in the state of Montana. As the saying goes, as Yellowstone County goes, so goes the rest of the state. If we in Yellowstone County can vote Tester out, then we will send ripples throughout the country. So, let’s start with the small and simple things here at home in order to change those things in our state and nationally.
Are you with me? Let me know what you think by sending us letters to the editor at letters@yellowstonecountynews.com. Personally, John Tester is a nice guy in general, but he just does not vote our values.
Until then, see you in the paper.