Main Stream Media is overwhelming liberal based

Dear Editor,

Ironically, I was amused by the latest tongue lashing by the Progressive Pioneer with a slightly different perspective.  I’ll start by agreeing with her that “something very ugly is happening, something dangerous, divisive and destructive” is going on out there.  The irony is that she is somehow inferring its GOP or conservative radio that is poisoning the well.

In fact, it is not new that the resist movement genesis is based in the Main Stream Media (MSM) which is overwhelming liberal based in its reporting (over 91% negative towards Pres Trump).  What’s new is its been completely over-the-top in its Trump derangement syndrome/resist coverage.  MSM is almost entirely controlled by the very liberal DNC and has been reduced to nothing more than being the communication arm of the DNC.  The MSM consists of almost all print media, including the very liberal Billings Gazette and every TV station like CNN,ABC, NBC, CBS and MSNBC.  The only bipartisan channel is FOX News.  It’s a little like Goliath saying that David is not fighting fair.

I believe her complaint should be directed at her own party, the Progressive Democratic Socialists.  They are the ones spewing the venom and hate that again is very divisive, corrosive and destructive self-described “resist” movement directed at attempting to over throw the 2016 election of a duly elected President.  She wants to install a failed “Fairness” doctrine in a thinly vailed attempt to impose limited speech on Fox News and Rush Limbaugh when we all know that the MSM is the problem!  The Libs will never give up their right to Free speech/ Free Press while attempting to stifle the free speech of Fox and Rush…

Dave Malek


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