LR131 is Not a Cookie Cutter Issue

Dear Editor,

I find myself in uncharted territory by writing a Letter to the Editor. However, the number of stirred emotions due to the proposed LR131 Referendum finds me here. With over 40 years of medical experience including Pediatric Nursing and Navy medical training, the reverberation of thought caused by the referendum itself and the stirring words of Lea Bossler and Dr. Tim Mitchell has unleashed a storm.

Unfortunately, there is a trend moving through this country that tries to make the practice of Medicine into cookie cutter form; making all things black and white, removing common sense, and replacing educated and well-trained Physicians’ practices with uneducated legislative clap trap.

There is nothing to my mind more devastating to families and health care providers than to lose a battle against disease, injury or mental fatigue. I am convinced that over 95% of all healthcare providers who make millions of decisions in consultation with peers and families each day, do so with the best interest of the patient in mind. 

Unethical practice and negligence are already covered legally and closely monitored by a physician’s peers. I urge you all to vote no on this Referendum LR 131.

Charlie Hendricks

Billings, MT  

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