Higher sewer rates will go into effect on July 1 for the Lockwood Water and Sewer District, including higher system development fees for Phase 2 Sub-district, the implementation of which were originally postponed to encourage residents to connect to the new system at the lower fee. That opportunity ends on July 1.
A complete schedule for all rates for water and sewer was determined by a rate study conducted over a year ago by the LWSD board. Since, at the time, there had been little opportunity for residents in the recently-completed Phase 2 to connect at the lower fee, the board delayed the implementation of those fees. New system developments fees could raise the cost by as much as $640 per connection.
Property owners have two years to actually connect to the system after paying the fee.
Other rate increases to become effective on July 1 include the monthly rate for ¾ inch water base rate which will go from $15.41 to $15.62. The usage rate will go from $4.10 to $4.30 per 1000 gallons. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE