Dear Editor,
I found C. Wolf posting 3/22 was indicative of typical liberals. Complaining of bullying by “people who just want to put other people down” while all Carl and his ilk have done for past two years is put down President Trump, all members of the GOP, middle America, whites or conservatives. He is now accusing us of dysfunctional thinking. Its apparent that, if you are a liberal progressive socialist, you are enlightened and superior to all others.
I do not understand why Democrats must try to cheat to win elections. Hillary against Bernie, dead people in Chicago voting for JFK, letting illegals vote, etc. Now Ms Merecki and liberals want to rig the 2020 election. Case in point, her article of 3/22, could not be more wrong about the electoral college. First, our father knew politicians would only campaign in the major metropolitan areas (Philadelphia, NY, LA etc) to garner the popular vote. The founding fathers (who I know the progressive socialists do not revere or admire) devised the “Electoral College” system that drives politician to go out among ALL the people, states like Iowa, Nebraska, MONTANA and sell them on their ideas in order attain the most lofty positions in our society. Her suggestion that states banding together to give ALL their electoral college votes to the popular winner (I think unconstitutional) is a good thing is laughable. Good for who, obviously the DNC and not America. Only the largest 6-7 cities in most liberal states (CA,NY,CO,WA,OR,IL, etc.) will see any national politicians. They will garner the popular vote in those 6-7 states. Especially now that they have flooded the nation with millions of illegal immigrants beholden to the DNC. Montanans will never need bother vote in another national Presidential election again.
Proof? There are only 3141 counties in the US – Hillary won 57 of them – Trump won 3084! If she and Democrat states plan goes through, they will stack the deck to get to the necessary 270 votes by banding Liberal states electoral college votes together and giving them to the majority party – the DNC – thereby disenfranchising/cancelling the minority (will be RNC) votes! In fact, she is bragging about this plan as ensuring “make sure our power of speech and democracy isn’t hijacked” when in fact, that is exactly what she is intending to do the Republican party. This dangerous plotting must be stopped to protect this country as the founding fathers intended creating the greatest country in our short 240+ year history.
Dave Malek