Originally published in the print edition of Yellowstone County News Newspaper-by Judy Killen

Kamrey Leiser, center, takes a turn on the dance floor with Macey McCann as Kirk Brumfield and Joe Link play with the Bucky Beaver Ground Grippers on Sunday. Also dancing are Hailey Mathews and Bailey Hofmann. (Judy Killen photo)
SHEPHERD — The “Lift up the Leisers” fundraiser at the Vermilion Ranch raised almost $84,000 to help the Leiser family with medical costs and help their 10-year-old daughter, Kamrey, recover from serious injuries she suffered in a June rockslide.
Organizer Becky Anderson said live and silent auctions at the event generated close to $60,000, as people bid on everything from Disneyland, Napa Valley and Mexico trips to paintings, a motorcycle and even a pan of enchiladas.
“It was awesome,” she said of Sunday’s event. “It was so much fun.”
Becky’s dad, Roger Jacobs, was the auctioneer. Becky said Roger has done other benefit auctions but this was the easiest one because people were so willing to give.
Jacobs even sold leftover pans of salads, which Babe Goggins purchased to donate to shelters in Billings.
She estimated that 500 people attended the event, buying $10 admission tickets, $5 raffle tickets, “Kam Tough” bracelets and stuffing cash in donation jars.
The Leiser family, who spoke to the audience before the live auction began, expressed gratitude and thanks.
“We just want to thank anybody that had anything to do with this,” said an emotional Brian Leiser, Kamrey’s father.
Kamrey enjoyed the evening, posing for photos with Republican gubernatorial candidate Greg Gianforte and dancing with friends as Bucky Beaver Ground Grippers played “You Are My Sunshine.”
Gianforte said he attended the event with his wife, Susan, because he wanted to help the Leiser family and the community that is standing behind Kamrey.
He asked her how she feels now, and she replied, “95 percent.”
“It’s been overwhelming and awesome,” Anderson said of people

Kamrey Leiser enjoyed a chat with Greg Gianforte and his wife Susan, who bought a painting at the live auction. (Judy Killen photo)
who donated items, helped clean the barns, the Shepherd High School students who helped deliver food, run games and help guests. “Far more than ever we could have dreamt.”
Kamrey Leiser enjoyed a chat with Greg Gianforte and his wife Susan, who bought a painting at the live auction. (Judy Killen photo)
Kamrey Leiser enjoyed a chat with Greg Gianforte and his wife Susan, who bought a painting at the live auction. (Judy Killen photo)
The $84,000 “far surpassed” their goal when they first started planning “Lift up the Leisers,” Anderson said.
Kamrey Leiser suffered severe injuries in a June 11 rockslide while hiking with her family south of Big Timber.
She was hospitalized in Billings and later transferred to Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City.
Finally, in late August, after 42 days in pediatric ICU and 24 days on the pediatric unit, Kamrey was able to return home in time to start fifth grade at Shepherd Elementary with her friends. Kamrey has had to relearn how to eat, talk and walk. She continues with speech, occupational and physical therapies. Doctors expect Kamrey’s recovery to take approximately one year.