Krayton, it’s time you know the meaning of “trophy wife”

Dear Editor,

Wikipedia:   A young attractive wife who is regarded as a status symbol for the husband.  The term is most often used in a derogatory or disparaging way.

I see Krayton Kerns is giving up his column. As he lays down his pen and drifts off into retirement, I must ask that someone explain to him, before he leaves the building, what a “trophy wife” is, and what this small phrase means. He often refers to his wife in this manner, as all his faithful readers must surely have noticed.

Melania Trump is the best example I can think of, right off hand. I’m thinking she is the only thing that keeps Donald Trump from imploding as he careens around the planet in loose cannon style.  Mrs. Kerns? Perhaps she does the same for Mr. Kerns, who knows.

Kari Copland


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