Kerns nailed it on schools

Dear Editor,

I just wanted to say how last week’s article (3/8/10) by Krayton Kerns, was spot on. When he said, “Government schools and universities have become socialist indoctrination centers where students are taught to treasure victimhood and regurgitate socialist talking points,” explained in a nutshell, what we are hearing in the biased media today. 

The left wants us to believe that the 42 million cows in the US today are causing climate change. What about the over 100 million Bison that were here, farting in the 1840’s?  The earth has, and will continue to go through, natural cycles as it has over the millions of years it’s been in existence. 

I also want to thank Jennifer Mercki for her article. The media needs to be held accountable and stop inciting division, hatred and strife. That is one reason I don’t get the Gazette and have enjoyed Yellowstone County New so much. The One Big Sky District piece was especially informative with real facts! 

Jonathan, great news about doubling the circulation!

LaVonne Martin


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