Dear Editor,
Kerns election reflection may need some reflection. He talks of the land of opportunity, more like opportunist. Some one once said “A sucker is born every day”. We have more scam/ con artist and manipulators than ever. During the construction of Fort Peck, the workers could use the scraps of lumber to build their homes. Some one decided they could pick out the larger pieces and sell them to fellow workers. After that all pieces were to be burned.
Kerns talks about God, Family and Country but actions and example say far more than words. The politicians talk of God and Family values then vote against both. What ever happened to respect and responsibility to other humans.
Yes “we the people” have become weak and wishy-washy. We don’t want to stand up for what is right, moral or ethical. We are afraid of the hatred and violence we have created with our own political correctness and propaganda.
We have become a world of wealth and power, what is in it for me society. Why should we care about the poor, losers, the unfortunate, and victims of violence and scams?
Lauris Byxbe
Pompeys Pillar