Dear Editor,
Justice Ingrid Gustavson is the right Supreme Court Justice for Montana.
It took decades for the Republican party to corrupt our do the same thing to our Montana Supreme Court. U.S. Supreme Court. There are now six Justices on the court that are politically driven. Montana politicians are now trying to.
This is not the first time Republicans have tried to corrupt the Montana Supreme Court. Last time around our current Lieutenant Governor Christen Juris, was selected by the Republicans to serve on the Montana Supreme Court. She lost but is now in a position to do what they had hoped she could do on the Supreme Court, which is to challenge Montana’s water laws.
James Brown is the current far-right Republican selection to corrupt our Supreme Court. He lists as work experience the fact that he is President of the Public Service Commission. The PSC has been embroiled in serious controversy recently bordering on illegality which surely does not illustrate competent leadership.
Mr. Brown says in a letter to the editor of The Montana Standard, ”Under the State Constitution, lawmaking is left to the people and to their elected representatives.” That is a great concept. But we have a current Republican party which has absolutely no respect for law, the constitution, or the public. Their goal is to corrupt the Montana Supreme Court by electing judges they can control. They are not interested in fair, legal, decisions based upon the constitution, the law, or what is best for Montana citizens.
Mr. Brown also says, “That’s why we must restore balance to the Montana Supreme Court.” Is his idea of balance similar our U.S. Supreme Court, whose Justices committed perjury to get selected? We also have another Justice whose wife tried to overthrow our government. Of course, it is. Mr. Brown was selected to run for the Supreme Court because he will do what he is told to do.
Harold Johns
Butte, MT