Jon Tester lied to get elected in the first place.

Dear Editor:

Jon Tester lied to get elected in the first place. He said Conrad Burns was affiliated with Abramoff when he was not. He waited until right after the election to tell the truth and by that time it was too late. Jon keeps telling everyone how much he has done for the veterans. Most of the good things that have come about after he got elected were things that Conrad had already done the groundwork for. Mr. Tester has been very happy to take the credit for it though.

When Jon took office it only took about two weeks to see your Primary Care Physician and be referred to a specialist. Get VA approval and see the specialist. 

Now it takes a week to see the Primary Care Physician. At least two months to get all the VA approval. And then about a month to get scheduled and see the specialist.

Mr. Tester claims things are better at the VA when in fact I can name all kinds of things that are way worse now than they were when he took office. How do I know this? Because I am a disabled veteran and go through all of this every single day. 


Floyd D Hynek


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