Jon Tester is a disaster

Dear Editor,

I am thankful that we are past the incredibly hateful confirmation process of Brett Kavanaugh for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court and that the Senate ignored the false accusations and paid protesters by honoring the will of the American people and installed Justice Kavanaugh on the bench.

I am disappointed, but not surprised, that Sen. Jon Tester voted AGAINST confirmation of one of the most qualified jurors ever to be nominated to the court. Mr. Tester has abandoned any pretense of representing Montana and bows to the dictates of East and West Coast liberals including Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and Diane Feinstein, who he votes with over 85 percent of the time. Tester talks Montana but votes New York and California.

Mr. Tester says he is for gun rights but voted FOR Supreme Court Justices Elana Kagan and Sonya Satomayor, who are profoundly anti-Second Amendment advocates, and he voted AGAINST justices Neal Gorsuch and Brent Kavanaugh, who are staunchly for constitutional gun rights. Jon Tester has become a liberal Washington insider, earning the distinction of being the No. 1 recipient of special interest money and the owner of a Washington, D.C. home that cost over a million dollars. 

In contrast, Matt Rosendale has Montana values as evidenced by his voting record in the Montana Senate. Matt is FOR a ban on late term abortions while Tester is opposed. Matt is for defunding Planned Parenthood while Tester OPPOSES withdrawing tax money from the organization that is the largest abortion provider in the United States, has been complicit with human trafficking and profits from the illegal sale of body parts from aborted babies. Matt is for legislation that will protect individual rights and religious freedom while Jon Tester opposes bills supporting natural marriage and boys and girls showering in separate facilities.

The economy is roaring due to the Trump tax reform legislation that Senator Tester, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi vehemently opposed and vow to repeal if they get control of Congress. In addition, they promise to impeach Brett Kavanaugh and Donald Trump. They will change the Rule of Law to support their socialist agenda.

Jon Tester is a disaster. For that matter, Kathleen Williams supports the same failed policies of Barack Obama and Jon Tester.

This November my family will be voting for Matt Rosendale and Greg Gianforte. The socialist policies of the Democratic Party do not work. Our children deserve the best. Vote Republican and may God Bless America.


Ed Halland


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