Well folks, it’s not surprising to me that MT Senator Jon Tester is releasing a statement as his vulnerable re-election campaign is in full swing. To me, it seems the last time Jon Tester was this active in Montana was six years ago when he last run. Also, it’s not surprising that he’s now trying to vote like a Montanan as he seems to care about the border, crime, fiscal responsibility, and Montana voters. However, this week, Tester is now trying to distance himself from Biden after the dismal debate that President Biden displayed two weeks ago and finally released a statement this week.
Here’s what Tester said, “President Biden has got to prove to the American people –including me—that he’s up to the job for another four years. Meanwhile, I’ll continue to do what I’ve always done. Stand up to President Biden when he’s wrong and protect our Montana way of life.”
As Tester is facing a tough reelection race against Republican Tim Sheehy, it seems that Tester is now trying to distance himself from Biden. However, his statement really is not distancing himself in my opinion. He’s not actually taking a stance and publicly calling for Biden to step aside especially now as Biden is doubling down and says he’s not going anywhere.
From my perspective, it seems that Jon Tester is playing the politician card and taking a similar cautious stance about whether Biden should be the party’s nominee in November as it affects his down ballot senate race here in Montana.
But if you look at it, Jon Tester has to say something as he’s in the national spotlight as his race is one of two in the country where Republicans feel they can replace him and take over the US Senate.
I’m not sure about how this Senate race will end up. However, I do see that the Biden blunders and cognitive mishaps have taken frontpage headlines and these headlines will affect Jon Tester’s race in Montana as Montana voted Trump last Presidential election by more than double digits. The real question is will Jon Tester be able to overcome the Biden Blunders and his association with the current president because the top ticket nominee will affect the down ballot election races and Tester’s chances this November will be in the crosshairs of Montana and national politics. As John Tester was the #1 recipient of lobbyists’ money in Congress in 2018 according to the AP, I heard he’s now the top recipient again just in time for his reelection campaign. Will that help him get over the finish line in Montana? Will Tester split the ticket again in Montana if Trump win’s in a landslide? Can Tester overcome this next test?
As I’ve ran three successful campaigns myself, I did not really campaign much for my second and third reelections as the people of my district saw me many, many times all during my official capacity as their State Representative and know where I stood. I basically did not need to campaign.
As for Tester, what has he done in 17 years? I’m sure there are some accomplishments as he was the MT Senate President many years ago.
I’ve seen Governor Greg Gianforte cross the state and visit all 56 counties several times in the last four or five years. He’s stopped by our office several times. I’ve seen Matt Rosendale visit all 56 counties as well as other elected officials who have also stopped by our office several times. I have not yet seen or heard that our Senator Jon Tester has step foot in our office to date. Maybe our newspaper is not that important to him.
As YCN was recognized this month as the Best Newspaper, I would think our staff and readers pack a punch for importance and deserve to see or hear from our elected officials.
I have yet to meet or talk to Tim Sheehy in person as well. But I give him a pass (for now) since he’s brand new and we’re just a little weekly newspaper that keeps hitting new benchmarks and achievements and turning heads.
We’ll wait and see which candidate for the US Senate, Tim Sheehy or Jon Tester, stops by and visits our office for the first time as they are out campaigning in the biggest county, Yellowstone County in Montana.
In the meantime, see you in the paper.
Jonathan McNiven writes a regular column called McNiven’s Meanderings in the Yellowstone County News. To learn more about Jonathan, visit his bio page here.