Here, a group of little kids dressed in their newly worn Dig It Days t-shirts stand in a bucket of a loader holding signs that say “I Like Big Buckets and I Cannot Lie” provided by Tri-State Truck & Equipment at the 2023 Dig It Days event. Free t-shirts will be given away to kids teenagers and adults again this year at the 2024 Dig It Days at MontanaFair. (Jonathan McNiven Photo)
As summer is once again upon us, it’s time to mark the calendar for Dig It Days. As before, Dig It Days will be on the last two days of Montana Fair, Friday and Saturday, August 16 and 17, from noon to 6 pm.
And, new this year is the option of getting free tickets into Montana Fair from Dig It Days Sponsors. That means everything is free because there is no charge for the fun at Dig It Days on (Free entry with sponsors voucher for Friday only ).
Produced by Yellowstone Family and Yellowstone County News, “Dig It Days!” has been a bigger and bigger hit every year since its beginning four years ago. And why wouldn’t it be? It’s an opportunity for kids to explore, climb on, “drive”, take pictures and fantasize about every kind of dirt-moving, heavy equipment imaginable. It is wholly sponsored by equipment dealers, contractors and other businesses involved in the construction industry. It’s meant to introduce youngsters to the construction industry. It’s also a fundraiser for scholarships and an opportunity to talk to prospective employers or colleges. Those interested in future employment in the construction industry can meet company representatives and employers from all aspects of the industry, who will be present to answer questions and provide information.
Kids of all ages have an opportunity to operate back hoes and excavators, under supervision of experienced operators– and some of those kids are “oldsters” who have always wanted to try their hand at operating one of the big machines.
Also, a very popular feature is “Sand Mountain,” where kids can play and dig in the sand to their heart’s content. Lucky dirt diggers may find treasures that win great prizes. The big Sand Mountain will be in the midst of it all.
There will be numerous activity booths which offer hands-on experiences and with prizes and give-aways.
The static displays of big machinery are available, courtesy of area dealers, such as RDO equipment Co. Tri-state Truck & Equipment, Modern Machinery, Equipment Share, Torgersons, Arnold Machinery and more.
Dig It Days will give away t-shirts for kids and adults each day, construction hats and stickers, on a first-come bases.
Dig It Days was launched in 2019 by Yellowstone Family, Yellowstone County News’ non-profit foundation, with the goal of providing wholesome family fun, educational and constructive opportunities while supporting worthwhile programs for youth and other needs in the community.
MontanaFair runs for nine days, August 9-17. Free entry tickets to Montana Fair may be picked up at one of Dig It Days many sponsors. The free vouchers are for Friday noon – 2pm only.
To be a sponsor or for more information call Jonathan McNiven at (406) 348-2650 or visit www.digitdays.org.