Isn’t that what free speech is about?

Dear Editor,

I’ve been reading with interest the opinions for and against the various articles and authors that are presented in the YCN.  It disappoints me that some people call for the removal of some of the columnists because they don’t fit with what some people think.  I submit, isn’t that what free speech is about?  Isn’t that one of the very things that sets the United States apart from much of the rest of the world?  Would we rather have assassinations of those writers/journalists we may not agree with, as have occurred in other parts of the world?  When free speech is blocked, when news is slanted towards whichever way the current belief system lies, then it is no longer news, it is propaganda and indoctrination, plain and simple.  Ever take a close look at some of things written in “It Takes a Village”?  Some of it is very good, but some of it is very bad (in fact, downright scary).

Consider, if you don’t like something someone is saying, quit listening, reading or whatever.  Simply turn the page or change the channel.   Or, consider what that person is saying, and weigh the pros and cons, and possibly learn something. To blindly listen to, heed or reject what someone is communicating simply because we don’t agree with them, can be incredibly dangerous, as history has proven time and again.



Roger Hillman



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