Is this a back door approach for statewide sales tax?

Dear Editor:  

I have used tobacco products and understand the increased medical costs. However, I-185 does not guarantee the money generated will go to medical costs, also, is suppose to reduce tobacco sales. 

Let me get this straight: I-185 will tax tobacco, which will not cover the cost of current tobacco medical expense and will diminish due to low sales, yet the medical conditions continue a life time.   

In the 1970s Montana crafted a new constitution with some of the strongest environmental and pollution, safety laws in the country at the time. I-186 may be unnecessary unless our law makers again lower the standards set in 1973.  

As for the local option taxes, we have a bed tax, fuel tax for roads, resort taxes, taxes for phone, utilities and several other expenses. Is this a back door approach for a statewide sales tax? Do we really need more cost for the things we need?      


 Lauris Byxbe     

Pompeys Pillar                 

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