Is Not Covering Gossip a Shortcoming for YCN?

Dear Editor,

In this time of being anti social, reading old books which were fact checked and proof read may be helpful.  Found a 1930,s book written by O. Hallesby of Oslo Norway, I found a few things I would to quote. 

“If the attitude of the heart is not right, Christ calls an act evil, even though it may appear to be both pious and self-sacrificing.” “The Lord looks upon our attitude and mind.  God knows your attitude by night as well as by day.  He tells you with all the power of His love: You must turn, your attitude must be changed.”

I heard the YCN  is too political and religious, it doesn’t have the local gossip of who had dinner with who, what was said at the local coffee stop or the meeting of this or that group.  Then again if you don’t follow the straight and narrow or the latest political ploy, you may have to suffer the consequences of your actions or inactions.  

Lauris Byxbe

Pompey’s Pillar, MT

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