If you want this reality for America, vote for Toxic Tester

Dear Editor,

Montanans, the baseless attacks against Tim Sheehy by Jon Tester’s campaign are both false and repulsive. Tester can’t defend his own horrendous voting record, so instead, he makes preposterous insinuations about Sheehy. The facts are Patriot and Navy Seal, Tim Sheehy, was awarded a Bronze Star with valor for heroism, and the Purple Heart resulting from a combat wound during his deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. He served our country bravely and honorably. Sheehy is also a successful entrepreneur, having built several Montana-based businesses which employ hundreds of Montanans, specifically from our veteran community. We need more businesspeople in Washington, D.C. like Sheehy, as opposed to career politicians and swamp creatures like Tester.

Please don’t fall for phony Jon Tester’s claim that he stands up for Montana. One has only to look at his dismal record to see he votes with the woke, anti-American, Biden-Harris agenda 93% of the time. He has failed his red-state constituents for years and has gotten richer and fatter in the process. Tester is the #1 recipient of lobbyist cash in the entire nation-even more than crooked Joe Biden. Tester ridicules “multimillionaires” yet fails to mention his personal net worth is over $6.5 million.

Politics aside, most Americans support term limits for elected officials. On this basis alone, Tester should be voted out of office after 18 years of failed leadership.

Tester wears a Carhartt jacket and pretends to be moderate, but he has caved to the radical, far-left Marxists who now control his party. Democrats claim they’re “defending” democracy, when they’re actually destroying it. Dems, like Tester, support restricted/censored “free speech”, gun confiscation, open borders, abandoning law and order, abortion up to the minute of birth, destruction of the nuclear family, biological men in women’s sports, student loan bailout, dismantling the fossil fuel industry, elimination of the private sector, tax and spend measures and ruling by executive order and unprecedented government overreach and regulation. They are waging war on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and desire to fundamentally transform our commonsense, Representative Republic form of government into a one-party, totalitarian state.

If you want this reality for America, vote for Toxic Tester and his elitist Democrat party. Otherwise, send him packing in November. But don’t worry, he’ll land a position with a corrupt lobbyist firm or some other dark-money organization.


Cam Browne


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