Dear Editor:
I’m shocked at Mr. Wolf’s response to my letter last week. He dismisses me as a “geriatric duffer playing cow pasture pool.” He then goes on with a somewhat tangled “assumption” that “prejudicial detractors are prone to leap at erroneous conclusions based on knee jerk assumptions…..”
In my letter, I asked Carl several questions which he ignored, preferring to revert to name calling and assuming…. I asked him 1) did he criticize Obama when he lied about ObamaCare, 2) did he criticize the Obamas for repeatedly using the race card, 3) did he criticize Obama for repeatedly attacking law enforcement, 4) did he condemn Obama and Clinton’s negligence in the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, 5) did he speak out against numerous other scandals involving Obama and the Clintons. He ignored my questions.
I asked them in good faith since I was not a subscriber to the YCN prior to President Trump being elected. In fact, I had never heard of Carl until my first edition of the YCN arrived sometime in late November 2016. I did make assumptions of him, since he has not rendered one positive statement of President Trump in this paper.
As for me being a geriatric, I’m 69….I will let the readers decide. In addition, Carl inaccurately stated in his editorial of 24 Aug. “reality star president wants to spend over $90 million for a parade….”. President Trump actually had canceled the parade the week prior. I would hope Carl spend more time geriatrically bird watching and less time trying to convince his readers he’s NOT a Democrat….
My final question to Carl was, 6) “would you rather have that slimy Hillary and Bill running the country?” He didn’t answer that one either…
Dave Scott
US Army, Ret.