Dear Editor,
I currently serve as your Yellowstone County Commissioner, District 2 (East). While every citizen has the right to decide who to vote for, it helps to have good information in order to make informed decisions. I am writing to provide relevant information concerning the upcoming June primary contest between Mike Waters and John Staley for the open seat on the Yellowstone County Commission.
In 2011, right after Lockwood Fire Board hired John Staley as Fire Chief, I was appointed to the Lockwood Fire Board (LFB). I found Chief Staley to be combative whenever his authority was questioned. After openly challenging Staley on his financial transactions as Fire Chief, I did not seek re-election to LFB.
For FY2024, then Chief Staley assessed taxpayers 163 mills which is 21.69 mills above the inflation adjusted (@2.46%) State of Montana calculated mills of 141.31. These extra 21.69 mills cost Lockwood taxpayers a completely unnecessary $374,849. Recently, your Yellowstone County Commissioners were faced with a choice to either hold the line on property taxes within State guidelines or to increase them by the higher amount the Governor wanted. The matter went to the Supreme Court, who sided with the Governor against taxpayers. Property owners just got their bills for this tax increase. Current commissioners held the line – there is no doubt Staley would have voted for the higher amount requested by the Governor.
Another issue we face in Yellowstone County is a critical shortage in emergency medical medical services (EMS), ambulances, paramedics, etc. In researching solutions to this serious problem, commissioners previously met with then Chief Staley and others. After media left the room, Staley told commissioners he did not care if your family member lay on the ground for several hours, Lockwood Ambulance would not leave Lockwood to help even if no one else was available. While that territorial attitude might make sense in an area where there are plentiful emergency services, it seems out of touch with the realities in Yellowstone County.
By contrast, candidate Mike Waters seems to have his priorities straight and has shown a capacity to effectively lead and work cooperatively with other people in his most recent work with Montana veterans on behalf of Senator Daines. Mike is a third- generation Montanan from Richey who retired as US Air Force Lieutenant Colonel. He flew a B1-B bomber in combat missions over Afghanistan and Iraq. He taught at the US Airforce Academy and the US Naval War College. The military knows how to train leaders like Mike. Yellowstone County would benefit from his leadership and diplomatic skills on the Yellowstone County Commission. Mr. Staley may be running as a Republican; however, his values do not align with the Republican party principals of smaller government and lower taxes. Mr. Waters’ values do.
The June 4th primary is fast approaching. Please consider this information and vote. I will be supporting Mike Waters for Yellowstone County Commissioner, District 3. Thank you.
Mark Morse
Yellowstone County Commissioner