The Huntley-Yellowstone Water District has hired an engineer from the non-profit Midwest Assistance Program to map and enter Huntley’s water system into a geographical information system (GIS). The GIS data will allow operators to quickly and effectively locate valves and lines in the system during emergencies or when communicating with other utilities working around the water system. According to board members and the Engineer Lance Goodman, it may still be difficult to exactly locate lines as much of the system was built back in the 1960s and may have been altered without an update to previous system maps. Currently the HYWD relies on various paper maps to locate valves and lines. Goodman stated that the process for the GIS mapping could be completed in a few weeks, as he has mapped most valves already.
Other business discussed at HYWD’s monthly board meeting included the possibility of establishing a website and dialer for customer notifications. Currently HYWD does not have a website and notifies customers of notices via text messaging by hand. Notices are also posted on business doors and sent out via email. The board decided to research website options with Rural Water Impact (RWI) sitting at the forefront. Worden-Ballantine Water and Sewer District (WBWSD) also currently uses RWI.
The HYWD also discussed the training of new operators. Currently, Operator Sandra Kust of the WBWSD acts as the testing operator for HYWD. Maintenance managers Michael and Jack are both pursuing testing and certifications to provide operator services to the HYWD.
Lastly the board discussed the possibility of a new well site. HYWD current well sites have been shown to have elevated levels of manganese and sulfur prompting the district to seek new well options. Of the options, Board Member Dave Hensel has begun talks with the Bureau of Reclamation to possibly drill a well on property just south of Huntley. The HYWD will first need to submit a letter of need as well as confirm Hensel as an acting representative for the district.
With no other business, the board moved into a closed executive session to discuss a personnel and customer issue.
HYWD is currently looking to fill the Secretary/Treasurer board position for the district. Current Secretary/Treasurer Julie Frieling stated in an interview that she will be stepping down as soon as the position is filled. Interested applicants can call 406-348-2517 ext. #2 for more information.