Honesty – It’s Called INTEGRITY!!

Dear Editor,

Shady Sheehy?

Senator Tester Approves the Television Ad’s?

  1. Can I surmise that Senator Tester himself is NOT a Liar – never has!!
  2. Senator Tester self-elevates himself by taking the moral High-Ground!!
  3. Senator Tester relies on tearing down his opponent verses his own track record!!
  4. Senator Tester claims Shady Sheehy is responsible for driving up property taxes??
  5. One of Senator Tester’s Ads states Shady Sheehy writes in “Cowboy” as his profession??
  6. Senator Tester will approve an Ad so long as the claim is manipulation/mis-information, BUT – it’s not a lie!!
  7. Senator Tester works with Republicans to stop immigration?? How’s that working out??

       I’m a life-long conservative. I’ve become disgusted with both parties. Senator Tester “has” done some good things and has honored the military forces in many ways. We have come so far, both “politically” as well as “publicly” whereby we are either unable or unwilling to respect someone else’s stance or views. We choose to tear our opponent or spouse or neighbor down, rather than search for basic understanding. Why? Negative ads historically work over honor.

       In Jordon Peterson’s book, “12 rules for Life”, Rule number nine is “ASSUME THAT THE PERSON YOU ARE LISTENING TO MIGHT KNOW SOMETHING YOU DON’T”.   No one (which includes me by the way) knows everything about everything. Our backgrounds are different, our experiences are different, which in turn affects our views which are ultimately different. Net result: Those differences don’t make it WRONG, in the sense of being WRONG, it simply means different.

     Other than Rehberg, watching the Conservative/Republican ads, they are currently focused on what they stand for, and not focused (for the most part) tearing down their opponent professionally and personally. That, in my opinion is closely related to honesty – it’s called INTEGRITY!!

Edward O. Hoem


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