Dear Editor,
Thoughts and Observations regarding election;
- I personally was pretty darn confident that Donald Trump would be elected. However, considering the fact that John Fetterman of Pennsylvania could be even have a chance as being elected as Senator, caused concern in my mind. He won! So could Kamala??
- As far as Kamala loosing the election? She earned it! She earned it with her “word salad”. She earned it with not holding one “press conference”! Not one! She earned it by “rarely answering questions directly”! She earned it by claiming the “border is closed”. One additional thought: President Joe Biden is one HAPPY CAMPER!
Concession Speech Questions/Observations and going Forward:
- Question number one: Did she even write her own speech? Compare her speech to Jon Tester’s concession speech. Jon didn’t need to “read” his thoughts.
- As to her comments on “hard work … is … good work”. Kamala was VP in name only!!
- As to her comment on showing “kindness and respect”, and looking someone in the eye and seeing them as your “neighbor”? Really? All the vicious name calling, slanderous and hateful references of her opponent? Really?? Not to mention President Joe Biden, calling Trump supporters “garbage”. My point? Talk, without action, is only talk!
- I’m a life-long registered Republican, yet, I watch and follow, and frankly listen (trying to learn and understand where they’re coming from). I even watch the Democratic Conventions. Heck, I even read with interest David Crisp’s articles in the YCN’s.
- I saw the round table discussion where Kevin O’Leary claimed that this was possibly the best thing that could have happened to the Democratic Party, in that “IF”, yes, “IF” they pay attention and learn from the results, they’re going to recognize that the majority of the people across America, DO NOT LIKE, the radical direction that has taken over.
- The first step: I believe that President Trump will build a very strong capable TEAM based on talent/expertise (not favoritism, skin color or gender). Example: Pete Buttigieg had NOTTA/ZERO background in Transportation! He somehow became an expert – Overnight!! Next step: Deliver!! The world is not coming to an end.
Edward O. Hoem
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