Dear Editor,
As a concerned citizen and resident of the Billings Heights, I have attended the Height’s Water Board meetings for approximately two and half years.
I can attest that the Water Board has avidly worked to protect the Heights ’Residents’ Best Interest by terminating a gentleman that had been hired that was not qualified or licensed to run a water board, putting our district in jeopardy of violating the state laws. The Board has protected our finances. Unbeknownst to the board, a former board member inadvertently put all the banking information on the internet, including the bank routing number, the bank account number and confidential information on the internet. Luckily, the bank teller caught this when someone tried to draw from the amount. The Board attempts to maintain civil decorum at the meetings when an adversarial party tries to disrupt and undermine the meetings. The Board has attempted to negotiate with the City of Billings to protect our rights. The Heights Water Board, despite of all disruptions, continues to work for the Heights’ Best Interest. We need to maintain the current Board and re-elect Brandon Hurst and Dave Graves to not only protect our rights, but also to maintain the stability and viability of the Board.
If you had attended the meetings, you would realize, as I have, the other candidates running for the board have clearly indicated favoring the City of Billings taking over the Heights’ Water District.
Thank you.
D.L. Bailey