He will do anything he can to hang onto power

Dear Editor

I’m disgusted by Jon Tester’s lack of virtue which was demonstrated by the full page ads in newspapers falsely accusing Tim Sheehy of shutting down our rural hospitals. Even for Tester, this ad is a new low designed to stir up fear in the hearts of our neighbors. It’s politics at its worst, orchestrated by none other than the “Big Sandy dirt farmer” who claims Washington hasn’t changed him.

Here’s the truth. Tim is committed to protecting our rural hospitals, lowering health care costs, and always protecting Montanans with pre-existing conditions. Tim will protect Medicare and Social Security benefits for Montana seniors, and ensure the VA delivers the quality of care that our veterans deserve.

Tim and his wife Carmen are so committed to improving rural health care that they have personally contributed over $4 million to increasing trauma care and neonatal intensive care services in our state.

While Tester and his DC puppeteers spread nasty lies across Montana, I encourage you to do your research and get the facts like I did about Tim’s positions and platform on his website, TimforMT.com

And let’s be clear. Jon Tester is deploying these despicable scare tactics for one reason and one reason only: He is down in the polls, and he will do anything he can to hang onto power.

Chuck Rein

Big Timber, MT

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