Dear Editor,
Under the Nuremberg Code, participants in “medical experiments” must be given full informed consent. Have we been given these facts?
1. Covid-19 Vaccines are non-FDA approved and are for “Emergency Use Authorization” only, based on the erroneous claim that no other safe treatments exist.
2. According to America’s Frontline Doctors White Paper, the “pandemic” is not real; the infection is not fatal for over 99.8% of the population and can be successfully treated with safe and proven drugs and natural remedies, without the need for experimental vaccines.
3. As of March 26, 2021, according to the CDC’s VAERS database, there were 2,249 deaths and 50,861 reported adverse events following injections of the COVID “vaccines.” This is a passive reporting system and only reflects a fraction of the actual adverse events.
4. The Covid-19 injections are not traditional vaccines. These injections use new mRNA gene altering technologies never before used on humans. See Dr. Mercola and Dr. David Martin’s research, “It’s Gene Therapy, Not a Vaccine”.
5. According to the manufacturers, these injections will not provide immunity and will not prevent spread of the virus, only lessen symptoms.
6. Scientists have never been able to successfully develop a Coronavirus vaccine. Many of the test animals died after re-exposure to the same or similar virus. Researchers believe the injections are much more dangerous than the Covid-19 infections.
7. Side effects include Bell’s Palsy, severe allergic reactions, permanent disability, autoimmune diseases, infertility, and death. The vaccine makers are legally immune, so you will not be able to sue them for injury.
8. Former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Science Officer, Dr. Mike Yeadon states, “I have absolutely no doubt that we are in the presence of evil and dangerous products.” And “It’s my considered view that it is entirely possible that this will be used for massive-scale depopulation.”
9. Renown Pro-Vaxxer Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche has warned that mass vaccinations can result in a global catastrophe and public health disaster, turning virus variants into a “wild monster”, and has called for an immediate halt to the mass experimental injections.
We have witnessed a statistically manufactured “pandemic” based on deception, fear, and fraud, to push unnecessary lockdowns, unnecessary masks, and now risky and unnecessary vaccines. Please do your research before allowing experimental and untested substances into your body temple.
Mae Woo
Billings, MT