Dear Editor,
Some things we just have to accept, we can’t change them, national and global things. We can change some local things. One cliché, “You can’t change others, only yourself.”
One can clean up their own act or backyard. In this holiday season, maybe we can change our priorities. God first, as He started or created the world. Family, friends, and neighbors second, then community. Making sure some of the needs are met, quality food, shelter with heat and clothing, Not forgetting the emotional support of others, in the form of praise, respect, and acceptance. People need to feel loved, worthwhile and appreciated. People tend to turn to addictions for social acceptance or attention they lack in their lives.
This holiday season let’s change what we can, love as a child or love as a pet. God gives us unconditional love, why can’t we?
Lauris Byxbe
Pompey’s Pillar