Gestapo Tactic Violating our FREEDOM

Dear Editor,

Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to live in Nazi Germany during the 1930’s under Adolph Hitler?  How about in Stalinist Russia?  Any yen for Maoist China? 

Well, careful what you wish for…faster than you can say sieg heil the Democrat-led Congress is imposing arrests of people not wearing masks there in the House side of Congress.  They have ordered the Capital Police, soon to act as their own private SS to make arrests and to take names of House members not wearing masks.  This Gestapo-like tactic violates our very foundation of FREEDOM.  

Josef Mengele would have been proud of the tactics used by the Chinese and their Wuhan lab in its creation and distribution of the “Kung-flu” or Covid 19 virus throughout the world, disrupting economies, societies, governments, and, in particular, our basic, fundamental Constitutional rights in the United States.  Who knows how many minions have assisted China in the pandemonium created by the pandemic.  The Academy Awards might have offered best supporting actor awards to Anthony Fauci as well as members of teachers union across the United States for their performances.

We, in particular, our youth have been subjugated to an incredible propaganda campaign mirroring the efforts of Joseph Goebbels.  The children, the most impressionable, are bombarded with television ads (and shows), billboards, broadsides on stores, and, most insidiously, in the classroom.  The brain-washing has been going on for years.  Talk to your kids, ask them what they think about “global warming,” the Founding Fathers, American values, socialism.  You will find out that many children have been fed something other than what we’ve paid education to teach.  The three R’s of my dates were “Reading, (w)Riting, and (a)Rithmatic.”  These have been replaced by Racism, Radicalism, and Rioting.  Just like Nazi Germany, books are banned from reading in schools.  American classics are despised for the use of a non-politically correct word or idea.  Heroes are trashed, statutes torn down.  Wow!  I thought they did that in 1917 when the Bolsheviks took over Russia.  

Wake up! What might only have been a utopian dream (or nightmare) is the reality that people like “the Squad” wish to shove down our throats.  We live in a place that was covered by ocean millions of years ago.  What caused the ice to melt and flood the Earth? AOC would probably say that the dinosaurs expelled too much methane gas and created global warming 100 million years ago.  Her little buddies, Reps Tlaib and Omar blame everything on Israel and support the people who attacked us on 9/11.  If you aren’t doing everything in your power to stop these people from propping up a tyranny against us, the American people, then you get what you deserve.

Michael S. Emett,

Shepherd, MT

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